Outcrop(!) of the Week – Baldonnel Beauty
If this Petro Ninja – Enlighten Geoscience Well of the Week series entry on formations associated with the Peace River Arch followed the...
Well of the Week – What did the Charlie Lake say to the Halfway and the Doig?
“Hold my beer.” Imagine, if you will, three anthropomorphized Triassic formations sitting around shooting the breeze. As discussed in...
Well of the Week – Does the Charlie Lake have a Circle of Life?
As much as the current Petro Ninja – Enlighten Geoscience Well of the Week series has been a dissertation on the history of discoveries...
Well of the Week – Does the Halfway have ROUS?
Faithful readers of the Petro Ninja – Enlighten Geoscience Well of the Week will recall that the Doig manifests hydrocarbon accumulations...
The Diverse Delights of the Doig – Part III
The previous two Petro Ninja – Enlighten Geoscience Wells of the Week focused on a pool that provided an interesting sequence...
Well of the Week - The Diverse Delights of the Doig – Part II
Last week we discussed the importance of recognizing regional unconformities, correlating offshore sequences to predict where these will...
The diverse delights of the Doig – Part I
Now, if you were expecting me to follow up a post on the Belloy with one on the Montney, you will be disappointed. But it is not like...
Well of the Week – A formation with Middle Child Syndrome? Or Wells that make you go “Hmm..” No. IV
Is there a formation in the WCSB less understood than the Belloy? With all of the research in the basin, why have so few papers focused...
Well of the Week – Wells that make you go “Hmm……” No. III
The Canadian oil and gas industry has been beset by numerous challenges over the last decade: low commodity prices, restricted access to...
Well of the Week – Not a one trick pony
Perhaps last week’s Petro Ninja – Enlighten Geoscience Well of the Week gave the impression that the Kiskatinaw was solely a...