Welcome to our page for sharing whatever we've been working on that can be shared (most of our projects for clients are proprietary). Through its unique blend of expertise, Enlighten is singularly qualified to provide a full geological, hydrodynamic and geomechanical understanding of the subsurface. This is where we really differentiate ourselves. We have a strong history of single-client and multi-client projects throughout the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin and around the globe (Vaca Muerta, Magdalena, San Juaquin, Permian and more). We also love to do out-of-the-box projects, like supporting the development of new technology and discovering new ways to use data.
On this page you'll find links to public-domain project reports as well as recent and archived presentations, webinars and interviews that you can view right here or elsewhere on the internet. THIS PAGE IS ALWAYS UNDER CONSTRUCTION, so check back regularly for updates!
Statistical Assessment of Operational Risks for Induced Seismicity from Hydraulic Fracturing in the Montney, Northeast BC
for Geoscience BC
Pressure, Stress and Fault Slip Risk Mapping in the Kiskatinaw Seismic Monitoring and Mitigation Area, British Columbia
for the BC Oil and Gas Research and Innovation Society
Conference Presentations
Webinars and Interviews
Coming eventually!