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Well of the Week Selects: The elegance of the Triangle Zone.

The penultimate Petro NinjaEnlighten Geoscience Well of the Week focusing on Foothills play types is 100/12-18-036-08W5/00. The 12-18 well is part of the Ricinus Cardium Field. Ricinus is just one of many examples of a Triangle Zone play type. Triangle Zone structures are a blend of multiple thrusts , duplexes, detachment folds culminating in eastern dipping thrusts. Fascinating stuff!

The schematic section highlights the Cabin Creek structure. There are so many examples to choose from. And opportunities to pursue! And there is still one more play type to discuss before the month ends and the wrap up of the series.


Newson, A. C., 2001. The future of natural gas exploration in the Foothills of the Western Canadian Rocky Mountains. The Leading Edge. v. 20, no. 1.

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